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Time for another doctors appointment, so back to Missouri we go. We always find it a difficult task to leave the mountains. I find reasons to stop one last time so that I might capture a picture or two before we brave the flatness of Oklahoma.

Forest floor

The streets of Cimarron, NM

My view from the passengers seat

Oklahoma, it's just OK

Train machinery

Trains and ice cream


Our boy Banks, the little guy that is

Where the sidewalk ends

Boots Court visitors center

When the timing works out, I am always thrilled to get to decorate the windows at Carthage Olive Oil Company for Ceri.

I always love capturing the reflection of the Jasper County Courthouse

We found time for some back road cruising

Marrow Mill

We were hoping to catch the Aurora Borealis from the beauty of the prairie. No Aurora, but we were treated to a spectacular sunset.

Tilting at windmills in the dark

When we left Missouri we headed to Texas Hill Country. I didn't take too many pictures, but did manage to capture this typical Texas shot.

After a full month away from New Mexico, we loaded up at dawn and hit the wide open road with fresh mountain air in our immediate future.

Burning sunlight

Roadwork detoured us, but didn't slow us down

West Texas is full of railroads and oil wells

... and grain elevators

... and great old signage

Storms to the right of us

The mountains at long last!

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1 commento

Incredible beauty captured in your photos!The window look great! Robbie really is changing…! Banks🥰

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